Mike Tobey’s passion and gregariousness is evident from the start. A ministry man, a military man, a charismatic man, he’s on a new world mission from God.
A resident of the northern Palm Beaches and in ministry since he was born again in Texas at age 19, Mike currently serves as chaplain and trainer at the Palm Beach Gardens Police Department. Prior to his twelve years in that role Mike was a spring training chaplain for the St Louis Cardinals. He has also served as a pastor and teacher and has been on many short term global mission trips. Tobey also works as a chaplain’s trainer for the nation of Zambia, and is a motivational speaker.
His spiritual journey, diversified and adventurous, has been deeply impacted by his recent late wife, Kathy. So much so, that his heart followed her to heaven when she passed unexpectedly in October of 2019. And he kept true to her challenge to him to bring to heaven as many as possible.
He said to them, “Go into all the world and preach the Gospel to the whole creation.” Mark 16:15

Tobey, an energetic, get-it-done type has the gift of connection and most likely has never met a stranger. God has used his experiences to prepare him for his current global mission. All inspired by the Lord’s design, no doubt. His tender-hearted wife spoke often of her love for the Lord, and lived it, according to Mike. “This world had nothing in her, and she had nothing in this world,” he thoughtfully reflects. And that’s how the global ministry, The Heaven Guy was born.
Mike asked “how” when thinking of keeping true to Kathy’s loving challenge after she passed, and the Lord started giving him ideas. So Mike started reading and writing about heaven.
One day while driving Mike saw an idea in his mind. A video. Not just any video. A 3D animated multicultural, deeply impactful, high quality video that shares the Gospel of Jesus Christ in different languages.
Mike’s vision started towards reality when just a few months later Mike was ‘coincidentally’ introduced to Kevin MacDonald of Tolland, Connecticut.
MacDonald, who had worked with Pixar Animation Studios and spent 30 years working with other fortune 500 companies in digital arts and technology development, heard Mike’s ultimate idea of an animated film with international students in their country’s native dress, sharing the Gospel in various languages and was all in. He serves as the Executive Producer of The Heaven Guy.
Today, the initial video with a caption above that reads, “The Most Important 6 Minutes of Your Life” is front and center at Theheavenguy.org. The ‘I Want To Get To Heaven’ short features twelve students sharing the gospel with their native flag appearing in a corner of the screen. The students represent 12 countries and 5 continents.
Many gifted hands were involved with the creation process that just seemed to come together to create the stunning 6 minute Gospel message presentation. Tobey took that as a green light from God that he was on the right path.
This gospel of the kingdom will be preached in the whole world as a testimony to all the nations, and then the end will come. Matthew 24:14
The Heaven Guy website includes a salvation prayer at the end of the video and a discipleship button to click on to further biblical training. The site also offers training features such as Roadmap to Heaven, Fishers of Men and a shop to purchase Heaven Cards.
The Heaven Guy is a multi-faceted Christ-centered ministry that offers highly effective and innovative methods to bring as many people as possible into Heaven, and to encourage God’s people to become more Heaven-minded. Additionally, to provide the new believer with fellowship in a local church family, the site offers users access to a global database of churches and online ministries.
The ministry’s goals for 2022 are to develop a fully animated 3D salvation video in five major languages and to distribute one million Heaven cards worldwide. Kathy’s last few gentle words to Mike were, “ I love you. I love you. I love you”. Mike’s reciprocation of that love boasts viewers from over 63 countries that have visited the Heaven Guy site since its inception just over a year ago.
When asked how many people Mike wants to reach with Christ’s message, he quickly resounded, “All of them”. Now that’s love.
Please see the life changing video for yourself, order Heaven Cards or contact Mike Tobey go to: Theheavenguy.org.