Charles Carrin (Left) with Leif Hetland

Dapper is he, as he strolls into TooJay’s on Palm Beach Island. He used to visit there regularly with his late wife, Laurie, for lunch. That’s where I met up with Charles Carrin, pastor, author, teacher and evangelist, to learn a bit about this Boynton Beach resident’s fantastic, remarkable and completely supernatural life in ministry.

Though he has traveled the world, extensively, for 70 years now, it all started right here in South Florida. Charles, born in Homestead, had his own life plans to be a botanist. He would explore the jungles and pursue his life’s passion. Doors were already opening in the field because at age 16, Charles had already won first place in the International Orchid Show in Miami. He had the green light and he was ready. Then, suddenly.

In 1947, when Charles was 17, he was on his way to his bus stop for school, when out of nowhere he saw a vision 20 feet above his head. It quickly retreated and was gone in an instant. But that vision broke his heart and crushed his life-plans. He begged and pleaded with God, “No, No, No!” The vision was of Charles himself preaching, and he knew it wasn’t just an idea. It was his future. His dreams were shattered. “My life crashed that day,” he says with transparency. Though there were denominational preachers in his family line, Charles never wanted to be a preacher. With the impending vision, he knew it was a ‘command’ for his future and that saying “no” was not an option. Not because of his family, but due to the Divine Presence connected with the vision.

Charles became a Baptist minister, Reformed-doctrinally, and enrolled at Columbia Theological Seminary. For 27 years he was limited to his denominational teaching. However, nothing prepared him for the next 43 years.

In 1977 he was visiting an inmate at the Atlanta Penitentiary when God turned his life around. Neither his congregation or the public knew it but though Charles was ministering to inmates he was secretly battling severe depression within himself.

It was in that setting that he had a true Damascus Road experience–a “Call within a Call” that disrupted much of what he’d come to believe’. A young inmate, Tom, to whom Charles had been ministering, discerned his secret pain and “laid hands” on his head, quoting Ananias’ exact words to Saul of Tarsus in Acts 9:17.

Nothing happened until Charles got home. Throwing himself across the bed, he wept, “Lord! I can’t go on! If You’re ever going to help it has to be now…” As he spoke, the Holy Spirit fell on him, instantly delivering him from depression and filling him with holy power. The prisoner’s “laying-on-hands” brought the change. Charles’ mental pain was gone forever! His ministry instantly rose to a new level. Charles stepped into new Kingdom authority.

Charles thoughtfully commented that he is still impressed with the anointing of God that was on his young friend, Tom, who prayed for him in the Atlanta Penitentiary.

From that night, Charles’ ministry started taking one new turn after another. As he prayed for another pastor, the pastor fell over. He didn’t know what that meant, and at one point he didn’t want to. He had adamantly balked for years and taught against any reference to God’s supernatural gifts that are listed in the book of Acts.

But for Charles, things continued to ‘heat’ up with a power that would not be denied, as he touched people and they would ‘fall out’ in the Spirit, as he prayed for them and they’d be healed, and as he knew things about them (word of knowledge) he formerly would have no way of knowing. This was very difficult for Charles as he had no framework on how to proceed. He was a very different person, and was called a heretic among some of his denominational colleagues. Charles thoughtfully commented that he is still impressed with the anointing of God that was on his young friend, Tom, who prayed for him in the Atlanta Penitentiary.

Charles forged ahead with vulnerability. Things got worse before they got better, as his whole life was uprooted. He wasn’t sure of the roadmap but the past 43 years of ministering healing around the world has proven to validate that God was guiding him.

Doors opened for ministry, people were healed, and it was not unusual, he shares, that people who had no exposure to the charismatic gifts, in entire congregations such as in the Church of England, would fall out, over the pews, and the Spirit of God would minister to them.

There have been hundreds, thousands of testimonies from around the world of healing, deliverance, salvation and lives transformed since Charles experienced this supernatural transformation.

Thirteen books have poured out from Charles’ Spirit, led by God, about healing, prayer, the charismatic gifts, his life history and the moves of God he has experienced from Europe to Alaska, the South and Central Americas and Canada, as well as points in between and across the U.S. ‘Hooray and Hallejuiah’- Escaping Tradition and Experiencing Power, is one of his latest book that documents his 70 years in ministry. Other titles include ‘On Whose Authority’, ‘The Edge of Glory’ and ‘Spirit Empowered Theology’, a book he was considering naming The Charismatic Catechism.

A significant part of his ministry the past 20 years has been traveling with R.T. Kendall and Jack Taylor, who also move powerfully in the charismatic gifts, in a group called The Power Trio. They have worked closely together and have held over 90 Word, Spirit, Power, Conferences around the globe.

The testimonies of healing, restoration and astounding miracles have poured in from these events that parallel the book of Acts in many ways. And Charles, though a soft spoken man, with a tender smile, still preaches with passion at local churches and ministry events. He misses the old hymns sung in church such as “All Hail The Power of Jesus Name,” he shared with me with a devotion in his eyes.

“I’m glad God won,” he states, though he doesn’t retreat from the memory of disappointment when he knew he had to give up his deepest passion, a future in Botany.

I’ve been honored to hear Pastor Charles on a number of occasions. He still preaches the Blood of Jesus, that God doesn’t change and the Word is foundational to any Christian life – and that the gifts of the Holy Spirit are still real today. Charles, an unsuspecting young man, whose life was turned upside down by the call and power of God, chose to say “yes”. “I’m glad God won,” he states, though he doesn’t retreat from the memory of disappointment when he knew he had to give up his deepest passion, a future in Botany. His transparency allows his brothers and sisters in the faith to be open about their disappointments, too.

This treasure in God’s Kingdom, after years of globetrotting with angels, resides here in our area, and he’s turning 90.

The world has benefited much from Charles’s personal ministry and ministry events with R. T. Kendall and Jack Taylor, and all the groundwork God did in Charles’s life preceding it. His obedience created a channel of God’s love and power for desperate lives around the globe.

In fact, before I ever met Charles face to face, I was at one of his healing events in Sarasota, Florida, in 2008. I had known nothing of his ministry upon attending. Uniquely, it was by far one of the most transforming healing experiences I have ever had, even though my personal experiences of God’s power count into the dozens upon dozens.

This treasure in God’s Kingdom, after years of globetrotting with angels, resides here in our area, and he’s turning 90. If you happen to cross his path, he’ll be happy to pray for you to know the many treasures of God’s power, too. He spends his time with local ministry ‘family’ and creating sermons on his blog. He also enjoys trips to Atlanta, Ga. to spend time with his two newest loves, his great grandchildren. Oh, and he still loves orchids.

Say hello to Charles, ask questions and be blessed by his up to date sermons and shares at and

In celebration of Charles’ upcoming 90th birthday this November, we would like to invite you to celebrate with him! If you would like to send him a birthday card, he would be thrilled to hear from you! The address is P.O. Box 800, Boynton Beach, Florida 33425.

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Kelly is a spirit filled speaker, author and missionary. Having graduated from a Biblically based supernatural training school serving as class president, she also holds a Master's in Divinity and has represented the U.S. as an Ambassador to Europe for Rotary International. Kelly has experienced profound transformation by the Spirit of God in desperate places in her own life, and serves Christ across all denominational lines. She has ministered in Haiti to members of the United Nations and has served Eastern Kentucky's Appalachia region's most destitute. Due to her Catholic upbringing, she holds a deep reverence for the Eucharist. Kelly has a passion for wellness and has been certified nationally with honors in personal training and nutrition from World Fitness Association since 2012. Her first priority, however, is the spiritual condition of a person. Kelly was born in Rocky River, Ohio, has lived in Erie, PA., and New Orleans, LA as a child, and has been a resident of south Florida for four decades. Her favorite hobby is spending time in nature. She also enjoys ministering in worship dance, and her most important spiritual discipline is getting the Word inside her spirit.