RelationshipsSinglesDear Single Woman in Her Thirties

Dear Single Woman in Her Thirties


You’re not alone.

You are probably like me and thought by now, God should have answered your prayer and Mr. Right should be here.

I wish I could tell you that this journey is easy but it’s not. You’ve flipped through the Scriptures only to not find any comfort in your singleness. Truly, I have mirrored the discontentment you’ve experienced as you patiently trust God and his promises for your life.

You are probably like me and thought by now, God should have answered your prayer and Mr. Right should be here. Seems like all your friends are reaching those desired milestones: getting married, having children, and starting their families but not you. You’re still single and fighting those recurring thoughts about what’s wrong with you because you can’t seem to find someone who thinks that you’re amazing enough to marry.

You now understand your worth.

And yes, you’re not settling. Not giving away any more pearls to someone who doesn’t know how to cherish them. Most of your friends think you’re weird because you are not dating as much. Though you’ve made mistakes with love, you refuse to be that cheap date, one-night stand, or remain in that seven-year relationship that never leads to marriage. You now understand your worth. Those tears you cry at night in that empty bed does not go unnoticed. God knows every hair on your head so he knows if and when Mr. Right will appear.

Honestly, I relate to the frustration you face when you’ve had to serenade the song called, Wait on God, especially by those who don’t understand what your waiting has cost you – the rejection, mockery, disappointment, loneliness, and isolation. Yet, this is the best time to fall deeply in love with God and allow him to heal you from all the brokenness you’ve experienced.

“Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your strength and with all your mind and love your neighbor as yourself” (Luke 10:27).

“Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your strength and with all your mind and love your neighbor as yourself” (Luke 10:27). And while you’re spending time with God, He can reveal things to you so you can avoid entertaining counterfeits who bring distractions in your life. You are His masterpiece, learning who you are in Him is an adventure of a lifetime.

He wants to give you a contentment that even if Mr. Right doesn’t appear at the allotted time, you won’t be shaken or turn away from your faith.

And, if you haven’t experienced ridicule from your married friends, taunted by the church mothers about marriage and kids, or felt awkward at a dinner party filled with people in relationships, then I encourage you to be strengthened for the journey ahead. So many people will look down on your singleness, but I urge you: run after the One who knows your heart and wants to pour His unconditional love on you.

God doesn’t want you to be miserable or comparing yourself to others during your time of singleness. He wants to give you a contentment that even if Mr. Right doesn’t appear at the allotted time, you won’t be shaken or turn away from your faith but you will still desire a relationship with God.

Trust Him on this journey, and open your heart to what He has in store for you.

Most importantly, I have to tell you that no man on earth can fulfill the deepest desires of your heart. And, understand that God is not absent-minded and he hasn’t overlooked you. He has so much more for you than just marriage. Marriage is a gift, yet it’s not the only gift from God. God has more for you in this life so travel, love, pray, and discover the beautiful soul that lives inside of you.

Sandra Charite
Sandra Charite
Sandra Jean Charite is a South Florida native who started writing at a very early age. Through her words, she strives to reach the lost and the broken. Charite experienced God’s redeeming power first-hand, and she shows people how growing closer to their faith can restore them from even the most shattering of setbacks. Charite holds a Bachelor of Arts in Communications and a Master of Human Resource Management. She is a blogger, poet, and the author of Broken Crayons Still Color and her upcoming book, Picking Up My Pearls from the Altar. "Write the vision, and make it plain" ~ Habakkuk 2:2
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