A near tragedy providing an up-close encounter with firefighters gradually evolved into a different direction for pastor Frank Mercer’s ministry. The Fayetteville, Georgia, pastor...
Hurricane Dorian is a tropical cyclone that just impacted the Bahamas in a devastating way. Also threatening the Southeastern United States coastline causing a...
Palm Beach County is blessed with an abundance of high quality entertainment, and the talent within our Christian community is certainly not lacking. If...
We are a small church with limited attractions for young families. We can’t compete with the programs the larger churches in our area have to offer. Not that we are in competition, per say. After all, we are all on the same team working for His kingdom.
Cinnamon and Butter? Yes, Please. Oh, yum! Some dear friends of ours introduced us to Carolyn’s Café in Redlands, California. Even though it was nearly lunchtime, I opted for breakfast. The reason? Carolyn’s famous coffee cake.
This is my husband’s story. I’m writing it for him, because due to his brain injury over four years ago, Bob can’t communicate as he once could. It's an important story, because even though Bob has become severely disabled, God is honoring the faithfulness he showed towards him before his injury