The movie ‘Unplanned’ inspired more than 169 nationwide candlelight vigils, prayer, and protest services against Planned Parenthood on Saturday, April 13. ‘Unplanned’ depicts the true story of Abby Johnson, a former Planned Parenthood Director who becomes pro-life after watching a baby be aborted on an ultrasound screen.
The Nationwide Pro-Life Vigils were coordinated by #ProtestPP, a joint project of the Pro-Life Action League, Created Equal, and Citizens for a Pro-Life Society.
“Abortion is profoundly anti-women. Three-quarters of its victims are women: Half the babies and all the mothers.” ~Mother Teresa
“When I read about it on LifeSite, I signed up and quickly began spreading the word,” said Connie Gonzales. “We have people here from Holy Innocents, Our Lady of the Desert, Holy Family, Nights of Columbus, a Lutheran church— all responding to the #ProtestPP.” Gonzales, from Hesperia, saw the information on and signed up to be a local coordinator for the event.
Gonzales’ love for the unborn was influenced by her mother, Lucille Bonello who became an RN after giving birth to thirteen children. “I remember my mother crying when Roe V. Wade passed. She said, ‘Oh Lord, we will have so much to answer for.'”
A steady flow of peaceful protestors stood outside holding signs and praying on the sidewalk near the driveway of The Victorville Health Center of Victorville which is operated by Planned Parenthood.

Ana Portillo from Our Lady of the Desert Catholic Church in Apple Valley and born in El Salvador is passionate about the lives of the unborn. She said El Salvador is ‘one of five countries in the world that have restricted abortion.’
“We are a pro-life group who pray in homes every Wednesday morning for the unborn and once a month we come to here in Victorville to pray,” said Portillo. “I could not believe when I came to this country that women were killing their babies. It’s the devil. Who pays for this? And why is it so easy? We are out here today for the children.”
The current Planned Parenthood location at 15403 Park Ave. was ironically the previous site of a Chuck E. Cheese’s family restaurant. Fewer issues can more quickly divide a room than abortion. It was no different back in 2012 when many in the community vehemently stood against building the facility, including the former Mayor Ryan McEachron who stated he was ‘100 percent against it and I will fight it even if it costs me personally.’
“My kids used to play here when it was Chuck E. Cheese’s,” said Gonzales. “It’s diabolical this has become a place for aborting babies.”
“Any country that accepts abortion is not teaching its people to love, but to use violence to get what they want. That is why the greatest destroyer of love and peace is abortion.”
~Mother Teresa
Also in attendance was a long-time board member, Sharon Hacher from Call For Life Pregnancy Help Center in Hesperia, a ‘Pregnancy crisis center to aid in resources, education, counseling, baby needs, free pregnancy tests and much more to promote the sanctity of life.’
“The women drive into the facility quickly and leave quickly,” said Gonzales. “We just stand outside to offer prayer. We are here for the children and representing the body of Christ. We need more people to stand together and network as one,” said Gonzales.