Scripture Reading: Revelation 3:20
Jesus is our humble Savior.
He waits for us
to open the door.
We have probably all seen some rendition of The Light of the World, William Holeman Hunt’s painting of Jesus standing at the door knocking. Hunt’s beautifully done original work was finished sometime between 1851 and 1853. The original painting is now in Oxford, but the artist painted the second edition before he died, and it is displayed at St. Paul’s Cathedral in London.
When looking at the door in this painting, you can see there is no handle or knob on the outside. The door must be opened from the inside! You must allow Jesus to enter.
Also, one can see it is dark outside. This is to show time is running out on our decision to accept or reject Him. There are also two sources of light to be found in the painting. The first is a lantern with red light that Jesus holds in His hand. This lantern represents His judgment. The other source of light comes from Jesus Christ’s face. Thankfully, this light represents the availability of salvation to ALL people! Finally, many people miss the apple to be found in the bottom corner of the painting, which represents original sin.
Jesus is our humble Savior. He waits for us to open the door. He stands on the outside. He is calling upon YOU to let Him in. Notice, Jesus knocks on the door of a house that He has built—a house that He Himself created! It is His house, but still, He asks to enter with only a gentle knock. Friend, Jesus is a gentleman and will never force Himself upon you. It is your decision to allow Him in or to reject him yet again!