With an estimated 6.7 million additional children now suffering from malnutrition worldwide due to the COVID-19 pandemic, one local church is making meals to make a difference.
Christ Fellowship, a multi-site church in South Florida, will be hosting its annual Make a Meal meal packing event on Saturday, September 26, 2020. The church expects to have over 3,000 volunteers across six of its major campus locations to pack over 500,000 meals for those in need.
As a result of the socioeconomic impact of the COVID-19 pandemic, UNICEF has reported a tremendous increase in household poverty and food insecurity rates. As essential nutrition services and supply chains have been disrupted, food prices have soared—which has ultimately caused the spike in the malnutrition rates of children globally.
The meals that Christ Fellowship assembles will fill two shipping containers, with one being sent to children in need in Haiti and the other to children in the Philippines—two countries that have been devastatingly impacted.
“The generosity we’ve seen from our church over the past several months has been nothing short of incredible. There’s such an overwhelming desire to help those in need, not only in our own communities, but in communities all over the world. I love that Make a Meal is something simple we can do to take an hour out of our day, knowing that the impact could be lifelong for a child in need,” said Becky Kyle, director of Christ Fellowship’s Missions teams.
The volunteers for Make a Meal will work in one-hour shifts from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. with CDC and county guidelines in place, including social distancing, masks, gloves, hairnets, etc.
For more information to https://christfellowship.church/events/make-a-meal.