NewsPalm BeachDeputy Adrian and the Story Behind the Picture That...

Deputy Adrian and the Story Behind the Picture That Went Viral


Mickey Bryant wasn’t going to let a good deed go unnoticed as she she snapped the picture of the three men praying in the parking lot just after Officer Adrian Maldonado had paid the tab for two men who had fallen into hard times. She posted the picture on WPTV News Channel 5’s Facebook page, and it went viral with almost 2,500 likes and over 500 shares. Deputy Adrian Maldonado shared his story with One Community Voice.

Soon after arresting David for shoplifting at Walmart, Officer Adrian began a simple conversation with David.  “We just started talking. Nothing crazy.”

 “I just wanted him to have the best of everything.  I wanted him to know, look, we’re here for you.  Someone’s got your back and cares for you.”  Deputy Adrian Maldonado

As they talked nonchalantly in the parking lot, Officer Adrian asked a random question, “Do you by any chance go to church?”  He listened as David talked about the difficulties he was facing, including the illness, Calculus Staghorn, a condition with his kidney that is operating on 20% and requires a tube to continually drain fluid. Officer Adrian was moved to go beyond the call of duty and offered, “Can I help you out with anything right now?”

David said that he hadn’t eaten in a while. Officer Adrian then handed David $20, but then felt compelled to do more. As he handed him the money, he gave him a slip of paper with his name and cell phone number, telling him, “This is God’s money. Use it for whatever you need to use it…and if you ever need anything, don’t hesitate to reach out.”

Three days later, David did reach out for Officer Adrian, “Hey, not for nothing, but you told me to call you if I ever need anything, and I need something.”

“What’s up?” Officer Adrian asked.

“They stole everything,”  David responded.

“What do you mean they stole everything?”

“First of all, I need to be truthful with you,” confessed David. The address I gave you was just a mailing address.”   David was homeless and knew of the policy that a suspect who doesn’t have an ID card or an address is required to go to the county jail. David continued, “I left my stuff, went about my day, came back and everything is gone; all my personal property and belongings.”

Officer Adrian hung up the phone and immediately began putting together a care package that included a Bible, a devotional, note books for journaling, pens, $40, and the pudding Officer Adrian’s daughter insisted on adding.  Officer Adrian called David and told him, “Meet me at a Phipps Park and US1 before work and I’ll give you whatever I have for you.”  As Officer Adrian handed over his care package, David began tearing up.

Not only had Officer Adrian given David a Bible, but he had decided to write a few words of encouragement for him. He reminded David that he can overcome life’s difficulties through Christ, including David’s rough past.

Officer Adrian went on his way.  Two days later, he received a message on his phone, “Adrian, I need to talk. Call me back asap.”

When Officer Adrian called him back, David said, “You’re not going to believe this!  They stole everything again!”

At this point, Officer Adrian began to question David’s sincerity, but continued.

David said, “I’m still hungry.  I need clothes.  I’m walking around with shoes that are two sizes too small.”

Officer Adrian and his family returned to Walmart, among other stores. They bought David new clothes, underwear, and even a new pair of Nike’s sneakers. “I just wanted him to have the best of everything.  I wanted him to know, look, we’re here for you.  Someone’s got your back and cares for you.” Later on that day Officer Adrian’s wife began sharing the Gospel with David and their young daughter reached out with what she had to give, handing David the $4 that she had in her purse.

As Officer Adrian and his family were leaving, David handed them a piece of paper.  On it, David wrote to them how much he appreciate their help, saying that he couldn’t imagine where he’d be without them.

“Sometimes I lay here and cry, to the point where I just want to crawl in a hole and die. It’s not easy being out here with my conditions,” wrote David.

Officer Adrian made a mental promise to himself to stay in touch with David.

One day Officer Adrian got a phone call, “You’re not going to believe what happened! We got a place to live. God’s looking out for us. It’s not the best place in the world. We have no furniture, but it’s good to have a roof over our head and not have to worry about getting mugged, stabbed murdered, God knows what happens out there.”  However David and his roommate, Doug, had used all of their money to secure the apartment and were hungry.

David told Officer Adrian where he was and met him at the Little Caesars near his new home.

“I get there, and the line’s out the door.  As I’m waiting and all of the sudden I get a call. Now I’m on duty, so I can’t stay here. I talked to the cashier and said, look I just want to buy these guys food. Whatever they want, it’s on me, just let me know. She wrote it up and I payed for it. Before I left, I said, ‘Let me pray for you guys.’  I prayed and that’s when this lady, Nicky Brian snapped the picture out in the parking lot.”

Nicky Brian posted the picture on WPTV News Channel 5’s website and it quickly went viral.

Officer Adrian began getting emails from co-workers thanking him for stepping out in his faith. Those notes of appreciation were the inspiration for his vision of the ministry of bringing police officers together for Christian fellowship.  “After this I started thinking I needed to do something for all of these believers coming out, and that’s pretty much how this whole thing got started.”

Before David came into Officer Adrian’s life, he had already been asking God, “How can You use me?  Throughout this whole thing I’ve just tried to be obedient, not trying to do it my way, but really seeking God in prayer, and He’s just been like, ‘Just do what I tell you to do.  I’ve got your back.’”



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