Tag: Bible

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How to Start and Run a Thriving Dinner Club this Year

In today’s fast-paced world, finding meaningful ways to connect...

Hoffman Adding Buoyancy to Seafarers at the Port of Palm Beach

When one thinks of the sea, words such as...

Brad Finch Now Leading SoB at First Pres North Palm Beach

Brad Finch of North Palm Beach, who hails from...

The King’s Academy Celebrates Grand Opening of the Frank DiMino Early Childhood Center

The King’s Academy celebrated its newest on-campus addition, the...

Lost Lincoln Bible Surfaces, Offers Clues to His Faith

An Abraham Lincoln Bible, which experts didn't know about, resurfaced, 150 years after the president's assassination. Lincoln was vague on the subject of religion and this Bible gives new clues about his faith.

Christian Publishers Warn of ‘Bible Tax’ Ff Trump’s China Tariffs

Two giant Christian publishers warned that if Trump's proposed tariff on Chinese goods pushes through, it could also lead to a "Bible tax."

Borneo To Get 100 New Bible Translations

Wycliffe Associates, a global Bible translation organization, is set to launch 100 new Bible translations in Borneo, the island where there are 287 languages spoken by its citizens.

Stolen 400-Year-Old Bible Returns to the US

A 400-year-old Bible that was stolen in the 1990s returns home to Carnegie Library of Pittsburgh.

More Than Half of Americans Believe That the Bible is Life-Changing

A recent study showed that 60% of Americans said reading the Bible has "transformed their lives." The American Bible Society published its annual "State of the Bible," a study which examines the relationship of Americans with the Bible.


Hoffman Adding Buoyancy to Seafarers at the Port of Palm Beach

When one thinks of the sea, words such as...

Brad Finch Now Leading SoB at First Pres North Palm Beach

Brad Finch of North Palm Beach, who hails from...

The King’s Academy Celebrates Grand Opening of the Frank DiMino Early Childhood Center

The King’s Academy celebrated its newest on-campus addition, the...

A Growing Movement: Backyard Food Forests

There’s something happening. A revival of sorts. A harkening...