Surrender Completely

Surrender Completely


Scripture Reading: Isaiah 26:3

I absolutely love springtime! One of my favorite things on this earth is to wake up to the birds singing and watch them from my window.

Recently, I was paying more attention to the birds than I probably should have been as I was trying to study. I noticed that many of the birds were landing on the power line running to my home. They would call to one another, preen themselves, and fly away from it, in search of food or nesting material as if there were no danger at all in holding on to the heavy electrical current racing through the line.

How do birds land on a power line without any harm?

If I were to reach out from my window and grab hold of that power source, death would come as quickly as a lightning strike! The birds, however, land upon it without any harm at all. How do they do that?

The trick is when the birds light upon the wire, they touch NOTHING ELSE! They give themselves wholly over to it… ENTIRELY! I would need to use a ladder, climb a tree, or lean out the window of my house to reach the wire. That would mean grounding myself to the earth.

To be attached to the earth at the same time as holding on to the electrical wire would cause the current to use my body as a way of escape. However, the birds are ONE with the power source and are safe.

God would have us to do as those little birds! Surrender completely to His power and love. He would have us to seek our safety in HIM. It is when we reach one hand out to Him and hold on to the things of this world with the other that we find ourselves in grave DANGER!

Article first appeared in Southern Ohio Christian Voice

Dr. Jeffrey M. Miller
Dr. Jeffrey M. Miller
Dr. Jeffrey M. Miller is an award-winning adjunct professor of theology and philosophy at Ohio Christian University, an addiction counselor, marriage and family counselor, and both a hospice and hospital chaplain. He holds a Ph.D. in Christian Counseling and Psychology from Andersonville Theological Seminary, a Doctor of Ministry of Theology from Emmanuel Baptist Seminary, national accreditation as CPE (Clinical Pastor Education), and is licensed by the State of Ohio as a CDCAII (Chemical Dependency Counseling Assistant II). He has written one published book, The Gospel Nutshell, as well as two other books not yet published. He has also written for the Hancock County Courier in New Cumberland, WV, and currently writes for a Christian quarterly called A Drink from the Well. Dr. Miller lives in Lucasville with his wife Laura. They have four children on earth – Meagan, Caleb, Kyle and Hali, and one in Heaven – Jonna. He holds a Ph.D. in Christian Counseling and Psychology from Andersonville Theological Seminary, a Doctor of Ministry of Theology from Emmanuel Baptist Seminary, national accreditation as CPE (Clinical Pastor Education), and is licensed by the State of Ohio as a CDCAII (Chemical Dependency Counseling Assistant II). He has written one published book, The Gospel Nutshell, as well as two other books not yet published. He has also written for the Hancock County Courier in New Cumberland, WV, and currently writes for a Christian quarterly called A Drink from the Well. Dr. Miller lives in Lucasville with his wife Laura. They have four children on earth – Meagan, Caleb, Kyle and Hali, and one in Heaven – Jonna.
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