
Nearly 1,000 People Of All Faiths Volunteer, Gather In Solidarity Against Hate During MLK Day

West Palm Beach, Fla. (February 4, 2020)--- To honor the legacy of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.  Jewish Federation of Palm Beach County and...

Outspoken: Katie Leigh’s story

Once you hear the voice of Connie Kendall from Focus on the Family's “Adventures in Odyssey” radio drama you never forget it.

Parenting is Hard but Thank God for Grace

One kid was easy. Really easy. But then the second kid came along, and everything changed. Maybe you can relate. Maybe you have one...

Dear Single Woman in Her Thirties

You’re not alone. You are probably like me and thought by now, God should have answered your prayer and Mr. Right should be here. I wish...

Father’s Day Brings Back Memories of My Dad

“My father used to play with my brother and me in the yard. Mother would come out and say ‘you’re tearing up the grass.’”

Happy Mother’s Day, Tummy Mommy

Who is this unheralded mother?  She's a Tummy Mommy.  In case you are unfamiliar with this term, it is a description of a birth mother, a brave woman who has carried a child for months, endured the pain of delivering that child and then has her heart broken because she will not be raising that child.
