Egypt legalized 156 Christian churches and church-affiliated buildings on March 5, 2019, making the total number of registered churches in the country to 783.
Tomorrow is St. Patrick’s Day, when we celebrate his life and legacy. However, this celebration didn’t begin until 1631, almost 1200 years after his death.
Her father was a deputy for the Sheriff’s Department and also became an assistant pastor, making church and faith a family priority. But unbeknownst to her parents, between the ages of seven and eight-years-old, Jacquie was sexually abused.
Captain Marvel follows a woman named Vers (played by Brie Larson) from the planet Hala who crash lands on Earth in search of her race’s long-time nemesis: the shape-changing Skrulls.
The Barrick family had two choices after an unthinkable tragedy: to allow themselves to be torn apart or to draw closer to one another through deeper relationship with God.
Ash Wednesday marks the first day of the Lenten season, where Christians are encouraged to pray, fast, and abstain. This year, Christians are urged to reduce plastic waste this Lenten season.
A dangerous fire burned down a church in Grandview, West Virginia on March 3, 2019, but miraculously, the church's Bibles and crosses were left unharmed.
I grew up in a fundamentalist church culture that demanded outward performance, to the detriment of genuine faith. Because my brain didn't work like other Christians I knew, I learned to blend in and keep my mouth shut.
It began the size of a mustard seed, grew in favor and stature and multiplied in a small town in Cobb County, Georgia.The English School of First Baptist Church of Marietta was formed in 1971. It was a ministry consisting of five teachers and fifteen students, which grew over the years.
A new study conducted by Baylor University explains why women are more likely to believe the Bible is literally true. The study found that it is more than just gender that affects a person's interpretation of the Bible.