Boca Calvary Connecting Single Moms To the Heart of God


Moci Fox was tired, wounded and needy when she walked into the room where single ladies met to fellowship at a church ten years ago. She had grown up Catholic but didn’t have a current relationship with God. And with three growing children, she was crying out for help.

Today, Moci Fox is the ministry leader of the very group, founded by Linda Cucci, that gave Moci support, friendships and tangible help she was desperate for when she walked in that room at Calvary Chapel, Boca Raton all those years ago. Her heart was also open to develop a growing relationship with the Lord, and through discipleship, Bible studies, and a safe support group, Moci received the help she needed.

She has been transformed in the process. Her children are now trained in the Lord, and she smiles the type of smile that warms the heart when she speaks of all God has done for her – a God she now knows intimately.

Moci Fox speaking at Mom’s Connect, Calvary Boca

Moci’s soft eyes light up when she shares testimonies of other women in the group. Women bond and have an opportunity to unburden their hearts and be uplifted in hope. The background administration work, which keeps everything running smoothly, is led by  Claudia Bayarri. And all the events are supported by a host of dedicated volunteers who pour their heart into the monthly gatherings. Jerry Sander, of Laguna Beach, CA, is the campus pastor of Calvary Chapel of Boca Raton, Florida. His policy is to welcome anyone who wants to know God, and the church’s many ministries provide a vast array of discipleship and support to all the Calvary Boca members and guests.

We want to connect these women to the heart of God. ~Moci Fox

The women of Moms’ Connect are exposed to numerous other ministries working hand-in hand to help the women who find themselves in impossible circumstances. Moci kindly shares about a sixteen year old young lady, with no family to help her in an unexpected pregnancy. Through a contact she learned about a home, The Love Home, sponsored by Calvary Chapel that provided her shelter, a chance to continue in high school and a year’s worth of baby supplies that were donated by the church community. Other groups such as Grief Care, bible study fellowships and spiritual healing from abuse (provided by Trees of Hope), and parenting classes–all provide holistic care for the women at Mom’s Connect.

The ministry regularly participates in creative, practical ways the moms are offered help, such as the church sponsored Car Wash Day, complete with oil change and vouchers toward bigger repairs. “We want to be the hands and feet of Jesus,” Moci explains, her eyes introspective as she reflects on more stories. Another grateful recipient was a single mom living in a one room studio. She had no family, three children, and did not know of God’s love and care. That woman not only received the Word of God and care from other mothers, Moci sent out a text to the staff for prayers and help.

Mom’s Connect Meeting

From the love and care the women’s fellowship provided, the woman was able to better her working situation, though she still lived in a tiny one room studio with her children. By the story’s end, the church had rallied together, rented a moving truck that they filled down to the last fork and knife and moved the woman and her three children to a 2 bedroom apartment, fully furnished. Mom’s Connect continued to support her with love and prayers, and always provides a place for single mothers like her to connect.

May the Lord direct your hearts into God’s love, and into the perseverance of Christ. 2 Thessalonians 3:5

“We want to connect (these) women to the heart of God”, says Moci. “We pray together, we walk through life events together,” she adds. A recent testimony shared in March was of one of Moci’s own two talented sons, Giacomo 20 and Francesco (Chesko), 17.

Moci Fox (left) with Mom’s Connect volunteers

Moci learned to parent both boys with Biblical principles. As the boys grew and became more independent, part of her household rules were that they attend church somewhere in the community.

Chesko, a high school football player who had formed a mentoring relationship with his youth pastor, sent a text to him one day stating that he was “all in”. The reference being a surrender of his life to Jesus Christ. She shared the testimony, with his permission, putting his text up on the video screen at Mom’s Connect. Tears of joy and celebration burst out, as members were encouraged that diligent prayers of a mother bear abundant fruit.

You shall call on me, and you shall go and pray to me, and I will listen to you. Jeremiah 29:12

Members will ask for prayer, too, for others in the community. One of the regular members carried a burden for a woman she had been ministering to in nursing care. The woman had been tragically raped and beaten and the Mom’s Connect member got to know the woman as she cared for her physical needs. And so, she shared the love of Christ with her. The member brought her concern to a Saturday Mom’s Connect meeting and impromptu prayers were offered up as women gathered in a circle–penetrating the darkness, asking for healing of the woman’s mind and body, as well as salvation for her soul.

We want to be the hands and feet of Jesus. ~Moci Fox

The ministry also offers women a chance to be present for other women as role models, offering smiles, hugs and a listening ear. Women with no children are also welcome to be a part of the group.

Today, Moci, who learned that God was her provider, is no longer single. She has been married to Dana Fox for six years now. He is the Children’s Minister at Calvary Boca. She smiles when she says, “My children introduced us”. God has provided for Moci above what she could have imagined.

Now to him who is able to do exceedingly abundantly above all that we ask or think, according to the power that works in usEphesians 3:20

Mom’s Connect meets every 3rd Saturday of the month from 10am to 1pm at the Calvary Chapel Boca Raton Campus. Childcare from age 0 to 18 is provided. A welcome reception is held from 10am to 10:30am, after which they gather for anointed worship (led by member Ann Monaco), and then hear a message of hope from the Word of God. The Holy Spirit is welcomed and allowed to move in the hearts of the women, allowing space for special testimonies and prayer needs. A casual lunch is then offered, with time for reflection, making friends and heartfelt connections.

There are additional outside gatherings as well, that include members and their
children, such as visiting the Palm Beach Zoo.

God is moving in Mom’s Connect. Women’s lives, once desperate and lonely are being restored. Tears, laughter and hope replace brokenness and rejection, as God does His redeeming work.

If you are in need of love and help, or if God is calling you to use your gifts to volunteer or donate goods or services specifically for the women of Mom’s Connect, you are invited to reach out to them.

Contact Mom’s Connect

Mom’s Connect Calvary Chapel Boca Raton, [email protected]
Moci Fox, Ministry Leader – (561) 929-0048
Mom’s Connect Calvary Chapel Boca Raton, [email protected]
Moci Fox, Ministry Leader – (561) 929-0048
Facebook: Moms Connect Boca Raton
Calvary Chapel Boca Raton: (561) 869 5775
Trees of Hope-(Christian based healing and prevention from sexual abuse)

Kelly Jo Rabbitt
Kelly Jo Rabbitt
Kelly is a spirit filled speaker, author and missionary. Having graduated from a Biblically based supernatural training school serving as class president, she also holds a Master's in Divinity and has represented the U.S. as an Ambassador to Europe for Rotary International. Kelly has experienced profound transformation by the Spirit of God in desperate places in her own life, and serves Christ across all denominational lines. She has ministered in Haiti to members of the United Nations and has served Eastern Kentucky's Appalachia region's most destitute. Due to her Catholic upbringing, she holds a deep reverence for the Eucharist. Kelly has a passion for wellness and has been certified nationally with honors in personal training and nutrition from World Fitness Association since 2012. Her first priority, however, is the spiritual condition of a person. Kelly was born in Rocky River, Ohio, has lived in Erie, PA., and New Orleans, LA as a child, and has been a resident of south Florida for four decades. Her favorite hobby is spending time in nature. She also enjoys ministering in worship dance, and her most important spiritual discipline is getting the Word inside her spirit.

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