U.S. Faith Leaders Ask Congress For More Security Funding

In a letter sent to Congress, U.S. bishops, together with other faith leaders, asked for increased funding to enhance security in houses of worship.

Argentina Approves Law on Spiritual Assistance for Prisoners

A Christian senator in Argentina gets approval for a law on spiritual assistance for prisoners.

English Audio Bible Project Will Be Epic

A production of an audio Bible in English is expected to be done in epic proportions.

Andrea Bocelli Unveils New Album ‘Believe’

World renowned opera singer Andrea Bocelli announced that he will release a new album based on faith, hope and love.

Summits Discuss Efforts in Support of Persecuted Christians

Christian advocacy group, In Defense of Christians (IDC), sponsored a digital summit on September 23 which discussed initiatives to support persecuted Christians.

Joyce Dimaculangan

Joyce has more than 15 years experience writing news, industry articles and blogs for the private and public sectors. Most of her career was spent writing technical documentation for a software company in the Philippines. She earned a B.A. in Communication Arts with a concentration in writing from the University of the Philippines, Los Baños. During her leisure time, Joyce pursues her interest in reading fiction and playing with her dogs. She can be contacted at [email protected].