EntertainmentMoviesNCV Exclusive with 'I Can Only Imagine' Co-Director &...

NCV Exclusive with ‘I Can Only Imagine’ Co-Director & Co-Writer, Jon Erwin


It takes something extraordinary to move a group of strangers to laugh in sync. Only something profound can move hundreds of unacquainted hearts to weep together. That’s exactly what happened all around me the night before I met with Jon Erwin, Co-Director and Co-Writer for the much anticipated movie, I Can Only Imagine. I was one among many that night who had the privilege of screening it.

“This not only will be a highly entertaining film, a tear jerker, an incredible movie, but it will be a message that people need.”

Before the movie played, the stage was set as Bart Millard, lead singer for Mercy Me, sang their most beloved and widely known hit song, I Can Only Imagine.

The lyrics were as beautiful as the day they first rode the air waves more than eighteen years ago when they captured listeners hearts everywhere, including my own. Time merely reinforced the greatness this song contained. Most knew its captivating lyrics, but few knew the fascinating story behind them. It was the very beauty and power of this redemption story that compelled Jon Erwin and his brother Andy, to share it with the world.

The morning after the screening, Jon greeted me with a sweet smile as we headed toward two chairs at the back of a bustling and noisy room. It was immediately apparent that his heart for Christ was as big as the gigantic room where we in. As he spoke about his new film, little else could be heard above his passion for this life-changing project.

As I sat down to transcribe our conversation for this article, I couldn’t bring myself to cut any of Jon’s words. See why as you listen to my exclusive interview with him below. You’ll be encouraged, inspired, and you’ll even find out some things you didn’t know about the incredible upcoming film, I Can Only Imagine.

I Can Only Imagine hits theaters nationwide on Friday March 16th, 2018. If you haven’t made plans to see it, please do. As Jon said, “We need as Christians to show up as one voice.”

Let your voice be heard this weekend at the box office!

To find a location near you visit their official website. Click here for more information on Erwin Brother’s Entertainment.

“no matter what you’ve done, no matter who you are, you are never the sum of your mistakes.”












Callie Daruk
Callie Darukhttp://www.calliedaruk.com
Callie Daruk is the Editor of Nashville Christian Voice. She is an award-winning writer, blogger, and speaker, encouraging others to seek Christ with their whole heart. She serves as the Nashville Chapter President for Word Weavers Int. and is the Administrator at Platinum Literary Services. As a native of the Nashville area, she can be found at any given moment sippin’ sweet tea with her loving husband or telling any one of their three sons, “Bless your little heart.” Connect with her at www.calliedaruk.com, www.littlebodybigmiracles.com, and on social media.
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