‘Praise the Lord!’ Ukrainian Christians Cheer Kherson Liberation


Ukrainian Christians celebrate the liberation of Kherson with cheers of praise and thanksgiving, seven months after Russia occupied the city.

Russian troops withdrew from the southern regional capital on November 10 and Ukrainian flags were quickly displayed on all the main buildings and the public square. A Christian living in Kherson said seeing their flag immediately changed the atmosphere in the city. “We have no electricity and no water but we are so happy,” he cheered.

What we can see is a confirmation that God has his own plan for the future of Ukraine and this plan will be fulfilled. —Vadim Preobrazhensky, director of Eurovision Ministries

“For the first time in many months, there is no sound on the city streets, but music rumbles. The day has come! Praise the Lord! He is faithful!” He still asked for prayers despite the win. “Continue to keep us in your prayers. Explosions are constantly coming from the left bank.”

A pastor in Ukraine revealed that prayer is their secret weapon, reports Premier Christian News. “What we can see is a confirmation that God has his own plan for the future of Ukraine and this plan will be fulfilled, and no enemy is able to make Ukraine surrender,” Vadim Preobrazhensky remarked. “So it’s a great, great privilege for all of us to share this time of joy and support people of your soul who remain fierce and strong.”

Vadim, who is also a director of Eurovision Ministries working across Ukraine, said the Russian army may have fled Kherson, but they also destroyed major infrastructure in the city, including electric and power plants. Many residents left since there was no source of fresh water or internet connection in the area. He said Ukrainians are rejoicing because of the newly freed city, but local people fear that Russia may seek revenge on another city like what they did in 2014.

“The information we are getting from our military and intelligence is that Russians may try to seek revenge on local people, as they did with Kharkiv,” the pastor disclosed. “Right now they are trying to cause as much damage as possible there. So this is a danger, but our militaries are doing everything possible to protect this city and its civilians.”

NATO Secretary-General Jens Stoltenberg praised the “incredible courage” of Ukrainian forces after recapturing the city. He said Ukraine faces difficult moments ahead as he shared the same sentiment as pastor Vadim. “The coming months will be difficult. [Russian President Vladimir] Putin’s aim is to leave Ukraine cold and dark this winter.” He urged continued international support to the embattled country.

The Ukrainian army already liberated 40 areas of Kherson before the announcement that Russia has left the city. Ukrainian president Volodymyr Zelenskiy recently visited the city, making the liberation “official.” He made a speech as the crowd chanted “Ze-len-skiy! Ze-len-skiy!,” according to The Guardian.

Vadim and Ukrainian Christians urge people to regularly pray for their country. “Please pray for the unity of all Ukrainians and also believers of all confessions, because we can very literally see the transformation of our nation compared them to 2014. Then there was some level of division in the nation. But now the nation has become absolutely united.” He added, “We all share one vision concerning our future. Prayer and unity have become our secret but very effective weapon.”

Joyce Dimaculangan
Joyce Dimaculangan
Joyce has more than 15 years experience writing news, industry articles and blogs for the private and public sectors. Most of her career was spent writing technical documentation for a software company in the Philippines. She earned a B.A. in Communication Arts with a concentration in writing from the University of the Philippines, Los Baños. During her leisure time, Joyce pursues her interest in reading fiction and playing with her dogs. She can be contacted at [email protected].

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