
Saying Good-Bye to Pets

Putting a pet to sleep is one of the most difficult decisions a pet owner will ever have to make. Unfortunately, it's also a decision many owners want ...

REVIEW: ‘Social Animals’ spotlights perilous combination of teens and Instagram

Their stories are told without narration or commentary, but that’s not needed. By the time the credits roll, you’re convinced that Instagram -- without strict boundaries -- is bad for a young person’s mental and social health.

REVIEW: ‘Bumblebee’ is a different type of Transformers film (and that’s good)

What do you get when you add a storyline to a Transformers movie and remove the sexualization of women? Apparently, Bumblebee. The sixth movie in...

The 10 best, most family-friendly films of 2018

Let’s face it: It can be difficult to find a movie that the whole family can watch. Thankfully, though, there were quite a few family-friendly films released in theaters in 2018. Here are my favorite 10:

REVIEW: ‘Mary Poppins Returns’ is marvelous

Mary Poppins was popular because it reminded us of everything that is wonderful about childhood: imagination and innocence and fun.

REVIEW: ‘Spider-Man: Into The Spider-Verse is a family-centric superhero flick

Spiderman has one coarse word (h-ll) and also plenty of violence -- more than the Incredibles series but less than a live-action superhero film -- yet that doesn’t distract from the film’s core

Awe-inspiring ‘Blue Planet II’ leads December streaming lineup

King David likely would have enjoyed watching nature documentaries on television. After all, he’s the one who told us “the heavens declare the glory of God”

REVIEW: ‘Buttons’ is a fun, feel-good musical

If Dick Van Dyke is singing and dancing in a movie, then you can guarantee I’m ready to watch it. So it’s no surprise that...

REVIEW: ‘Creed II’ soars with solid fatherhood message

I now have a new entree into my Top 10: Creed II. And I don’t even like boxing.

Most Churchgoers Abstain from Alcohol Consumption, Survey Says

Out of 1000 Protestant churchgoers, 41% said they drink alcohol, while 59% said they don’t.

REVIEW: ‘Instant Family’ has a great message about foster care, even if it’s not squeaky-clean

Instant Family conveys the gamut of emotions that a foster/adoptive family experiences -- including fear, anxiety and, most importantly, joy -- but tells the story through the lens of laughter.

Wonderful ‘Wonder’ leads November’s streaming lineup

This month on Amazon Prime and Hulu, one of the best films on the subject of bullying -- 2017’s Wonder (PG)

REVIEW: ‘The Grinch’ is an instant Christmas classic

I’ve lost count at the number of “children’s films" that contained questionable adult content. But there are exceptions, and a new movie in theaters this weekend -- The Grinch (PG) -- stays firmly in family-friendly territory while giving us a few positive messages, too.

A Must-Follow Reading Plan for Every New Homeschool Parent

Very often, the very first thing a new homeschool parent will do is look for a curriculum to purchase. What if I were to tell you that that’s one of the last things that should be done? The fact is, homeschooling is about so much more than that.

REVIEW: ‘The Nutcracker and the Four Realms’ is a movie with a great message for kids

The best family movies do more than entertain. They also include a positive message or two that children will easily catch -- and that mom and dad can discuss on the ride home from the theater.
