A Must-Follow Reading Plan for Every New Homeschool Parent

Very often, the very first thing a new homeschool parent will do is look for a curriculum to purchase. What if I were to tell you that that’s one of the last things that should be done? The fact is, homeschooling is about so much more than that.

Why We Don’t Make Up Work in Our Homeschool

It's that time of year again—when we homeschooling families tend to finish up what we've been working on and either take a break or begin preparing for a new year.

Shelly Sangrey

I’m Shelly Sangrey, a Christ-following, homeschooling mom of 11 and wife to my ever-patient husband, Shawn. After spending years trying to discover the Lord’s will for me, I finally realized that I could use my spiritual gift of encouragement to lift up other mothers who have taken this rewarding, yet sometimes tiring, journey of homeschooling. When I’m not busy chasing kids, homeschooling, drinking coffee, or devouring books at the library, you can find me at my blog, There’s No Place Like Home, or on my YouTube channel of the same name, at https://www.youtube.com/user/redheadmom8