NewsPalm BeachThe Gross Family Center and Jewish Federation Launch Fundraiser...

The Gross Family Center and Jewish Federation Launch Fundraiser to Benefit Holocaust Survivors


In an effort to continue to address the immediate needs of the estimated 12,000 Holocaust survivors living in Palm Beach County, the Gross Family Center for the Study of Antisemitism and the Holocaust and Jewish Federation of Palm Beach County have partnered to create a Holocaust survivors fundraiser to support this vulnerable population through Alpert Jewish Family Service.

The Holocaust survivor fundraiser launched late March and has raised nearly $20,000 to date.

“It is estimated that 42 percent of the estimated 12,000 Holocaust survivors in Palm Beach County live below the poverty line,” shared Lauren Gross, director of the Gross Family Center. “The time to provide life-saving resources for this important generation is now so they can live the remainder of their years with dignity and hope.”

The Gross Family Center has launched an educational initiative with The School District of Palm Beach County that connects survivors with high schools students who will hear first-hand accounts of the horrific experiences of the Holocaust and the consequences of prejudice faced by Jewish people around the world.

For more information about Jewish Federation of Palm Beach County and The Gross Family Center, as well as ways to support Holocaust survivors, visit

About The Gross Family Center for the Study of Antisemitism and the Holocaust
The speaker series is presented by the Gross Family Center for the Study of Antisemitism and the Holocaust, a program of the Gayle and Paul Gross Family Foundation. For more information about the Gross Family Center, contact Lauren Gross at [email protected] or (201) 887-0737.

About the Jewish Federation of Palm Beach County
Jewish Federation of Palm Beach County works to transform, inspire and save lives in the Palm Beaches, Israel and 70 countries around the world. For more information about the Jewish Federation of Palm Beach County, visit

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