Our Town is entering its second week of production at The King’s Academy in West Palm Beach and continues running until February 2nd, with a few performances that are not sold out.
The cast total is twenty people. The setting of the play is austere by design. Any high school could have produced it. But this was a King’s production, directed by Mr. David Snyder and cast with semi-professionals; high school students trained at The King’s Academy.
The dinner theater seating arrangement was the perfect scenario for Stage Manager, Olivia Cornett, to share with us, the story of Grover Corners, a small town in New Hampshire in the early 1900’s.

“In our town,” she begins, “We know the facts about everyone.” And the scene of a milkman, paperboys and leisurely breakfast around lace covered kitchen table complete the picture.
Olivia Cornett’s storytelling is engaging, believable and–without a hint of overacting– exciting. Leaning into the audience and making eye contact throughout the play, it’s as if she is telling the story to each of us individually.

Act II takes place three years later, and Emily Webb (Tyler Birch) and George Gibbs (Kyle Martin) are getting married.
By Act III, nine years have passed. And so have Emily Webb (Tyler Birch), in childbirth, Mrs. Gibbs (Malina Carney), of pneumonia, Wally Webb (Max Toledo) of a burst appendix, and Simon Stimson (Camden Popadic) of alcoholism and suicide.
Acts I and II are heartwarming and enjoyable, but Act III is where its poignant purpose unfolds; where these student characters deeply portray through expressive words and skillful acting, “There is something eternal in every human being.”
It’s about people and living life, not just letting things pass you by, taking time to see and understand the people around you, the things that really do matter. Olivia Cornett
As Act III opens, characters are now seated on a slightly raised platform, communicating with one another, and the dead stares of their ashen faces (kudos to the lighting crew) reveal to us that they are now deceased.
The story unfolds through the eyes of the most recent arrival, Tyler Birch, playing Emily Webb, whose depth of passion and expression in her role gives the scene its intensity and meaning.
Emily Webb desperately wants to see and interact with the living members of her community, but when at last her wish is granted, she sees the complacency of the people of her town, and her lamentation is now for the living.

With emotional fervor, Tyler cries the words, “It goes so fast. We don’t have time to look at one another. I didn’t realize. So all that was going on and we never noticed.”
In contrast to the stoic stares of the dead behind her, she gives her impassioned, final farewell to earth, “Good-by, Grover’s Corners…Mama and Papa. Good-by to clocks ticking…and Mama’s sunflowers. And food and coffee. And new-ironed dresses and hot baths…and sleeping and waking up. Oh, earth, you’re too wonderful for anybody to realize you.”
Until teenagers come strolling off the stage, it’s hard to believe that a high school performance just took place.
“The story itself should be a lesson taught more. We take so many things for granted and we just go through life, like there’s nothing else to life.” Melina Carney (Mrs. Gibbs).
Their very adult acting skills took backstage, and with a few tears, and a noticeable absence of cell phones and social media, the teenagers shared their newfound understanding of Our Town.
Olivia Cornett (Stage Manager) said, “It’s about people and living life, not just letting things pass you by, taking time to see and understand the people around you, the things that really do matter.”

“The story itself should be a lesson taught more. We take so many things for granted and we just go through life, like there’s nothing else to life.” Melina Carney (Mrs. Gibbs).
“I went home thinking about all the people I’ve lost in my life, especially my grandmother, who I lost this past year, and it just makes you realize, like, you never know, the small things that seem insignificant now, you look back and you realize, wow, I should have spent more time with them while they were here.” Tyler Birch (Emily Webb)
Who’s Who
Olivia Cornett, Stage Manager
Tyler Birch, Emily Webb
Kyle Martin, George Gibbs
Tanner Corall, Dr. Gibbs
Melina Carney, Mrs. Gibbs
Kyler O’bBrien, Mr. Webb
Joy Tomaselli, Mrs. Webb
Abby Loveland, Mrs. Soames
Camden Popadic, Simon Stimson
Savannah Downing, Rebecca Gibbs
William Gerhoff, Howie Newsome
Jesse Hernandez, Joe Crowell
Colby Kugel, Constable Warren
Tyler Cool, Sam Craig
Mark Witzen, Joe Stoddard
Max Toledo, Wally Webb
Michael O’Leary, Si Crowell
Hannah Norman, Woman in the Balcony